Monday, April 16, 2012

Move Report Server database to different server

I have been running into many issues while moving ReportServer database between servers and all the necessary information on the issues I face is not available at a single place. So I thought of putting all together so people can find all the data to move ResportServer database at a single source (my blog :) ). I am going to put the regular simple tasks simple.

1.      Backup the encryption key of the reporting services using Report Server Configuration Manager on the source.
2.      Detach the ReportServer database on source and copy the files to the destination server.
3.      Attach the ReportServer database on the destination SQL Server.
4.      You can also backup and restore the database from source to destination.
5.      While configuring the reporting services select the restore option on the encryption key tab in the Reporting Services Configuration Services.
6.      When you configure the reporting services on Standard edition you get the below message.

The feature: "Scale-out deployment" is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services. (rsOperationNotSupported) (rsRPCError)

7.      Run the below commands to fix the scale-out deployment issue.
1.      Open the cmd prompt window and run below command to determine the GUID referring the server you want to remove.
rskeymgmt –l
2.      Remove the GUID by running the below command.
rskeymgmt -r "src_id"

8.      You may want to check this option even if you are on Enterprise edition as you do not want your Reporting services to be a scale-out deployment until it is really the way you designed your environment.

 Happy Troubleshooting,